Learn Your Land

I'm seeking property owners in the Willamette Valley who have an interest in learning the plants, berries, trees and mushrooms growing on their land.
I can also help you grow delicious mushrooms in a permaculture capacity and make your flower beds, vegetable gardens, fields and forests work for you. It is a low-effort, high-yield and passive way to produce valuable and delicious protein.
This will help insulate you from the rising cost of groceries and reduce your wildfire risk. Mushrooms thrive on dead wood and can turn tinder to healthy and fertile soil.
I have experience with conifer forests, mixed hardwood forests, riparian habitats and farms. This setup is ideal for salt-of-the-earth hardworking Oregonians, gardeners, preppers and homesteaders.
All of my materials are free of pesticides, dyes and chemicals and are sourced locally.